Julie + Julia has changed my way of cooking....

wow. all that I can say right now.

well actually no, considering i am blogging about my thoughts on that movie. It has inspired me in so many ways!! I need to find out more about Julia Child for one!!!

How do I not own a book of hers?? 

Watching that movie was kinda like watching myself when it comes to cooking and food, and enjoying every bite...flavor...aroma WOW! I really like the idea of cooking through a cook book. I know its not an original idea, but I think i really want to do it. I know i'll learn a lot.

Currently I cook food that i want to try or if I fancy an ingredient i find a recipe that has it in it. But to just cook whatever is on the next page...that's crazy....but so exciting. I think I'd need to have friends and family over for dinner to try the final dishes...savor every bite, food brings people together, what better way than this.

I have a lot of thinking reading and blogging to do.

I am so excited right now....

leave your thoughts or maybe even a cook book suggestion??

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Dani said…
Have you read the book? I haven't seen the movie, but I started the book...Couldn't finish it--too many graphic descriptions of weird food that I never thought was food. But you should check it out.
AmandaCakes said…
I actually do have the book! I bought it a few weeks ago, but the movie came up on my nexflix and got sent to me! I will read it soon!!

thanks for the comment!!!

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